We arrived at the station in time for lunch and to stock up on the usual provisions. The final leg was 30hrs to Moscow, this sounded like a walk on the park compared to our previous trip.
Brett aka Brettov and Mish aka Miska had found some fresh sandwiches which looked ok while Rikki and I were guarding the luggage. Following their instructions we managed to walk straight past the shop that sold them so we went exploring. We could find all kinds of deep fried heavy food but no sandwiches. Eventually we saw a door to a building that said open 11am - 9am. Thinking this could be a little convenience store we went inside. All that was on the other side was a grey stairwell, feeling adventurous we decided to look further. After climbing up the first set of stairs Rikki jokingly said "I think this could be a knock shop". One set of stairs later we see a picture on the wall with the silhouette of sexy woman. Things were starting to look interesting so we thought we'd go inside to check it out. It turns out that the train station had an adult shop with sex toys and a gaming cafe hidden away. Rikki and I had a quick look around laughing like school kids who saw a dildo for the first time before saying goodbye to the old Russian lady behind the counter. In the end I settled for Burger King again, unfortunately a train diet is not a good diet.
The trip itself was fairly uneventful, we did our best to sleep through most of it. Unfortunately the big Russian guy in our cabin had other ideas as he could have been a snoring world champion. Brettov and Miska who were in the cabin next door could hear him through the wall.
By now we're just hanging for Moscow, none of us have been able to do washing since our first day in Mongolia. Most of us have run out of clean clothes especially underwear, and been another two days without a shower...we are truly filthy humans. On the plus side I have caught up on my blog. Bring on Moscow 😳
Hi Tristan just found your entertaining and informative blog 😀. Do keep it up! Looking out for you in the crowd but please no streaking 😱